A lonely man sat hunched over the table in a darkly lit tavern. He was crying, drinking, and feeling the deepest darkest pains of sorrow and regret. He had two children who, while he loved them, he lacked the incentive to give them the man who was their father. Nearly every night he came home, drunk, yelling, and void of any compassion for his own flesh and blood. The children's mother was divorced and was never around enough to care for the children. On most days the eldest girl who was 8 made the meals for her 6 year old sister and her. Their life was cold, without love, without joy, and without vision for the future. But this was the life they knew and not the life they could have and deserved. Their father was truly a brilliant man, with the potential to be a loving father, a provider, and a knight for his little ones. But the bottle had him by the throat and would not relent. For the children, it was like being trapped in a tinted glass prison. Where the beauties of the world, and the joys that could exist, swirled around them. Their vision was limited by the man who maintained this facade of life, their father...
Until we make an effort for change, we cannot expect to see change.
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